January TIPS rate
Date LT Real Average (>10 yrs) 01/02/09 2.59% 01/05/09 2.71% 01/06/09 2.70% 01/07/09 2.69% 01/08/09 2.57% 01/09/09 2.45% 01/12/09 2.35% 01/13/09 2.29% 01/14/09 2.30% 01/15/09 2.36% 01/16/09 2.36% 01/20/09 2.39% 01/21/09 2.68% 01/22/09 2.63% 01/23/09 2.61% Long Term Real Rate Average: The Long-Term Real Rate Average is the unweighted average of bid real yields on all outstanding TIPS with remaing maturities of more than 10 years and is intended as a proxy for long-term real rates. For more information regarding these statistics contact the Office of Debt Management by email at debt.management@do.treas.gov. For other Public Debt information contact (202) 504-3550