Federal Loan Modification program: A financial rescue to make home affordable

After the recession, there were many Americans who were looking for financial rescue. This was just next to impossible for then to save their home from foreclosure. This is important to note that in 60% of cases the home-owners had started filing petition under the various Bankruptcy Laws. In such a messy and difficult situation the USA government had to take some immediate actions. The Federal Loan Modification program is such an action of the federation.

With the joint efforts of government the Bank of America loan modification program was designed and government has to invest $75 billions. The mortgage lenders were also been awarded with the cash awards to promote and process the loan modifications. Every loan lenders who will be offering the home loan modification services were given $1,000 for three years. The home-owners were even offered the cash incentive of worth $1,500 so that they can afford to make the regular mortgage payments.

The loan modification options are offered by various loan lenders. The application process is online and free of cost. After meeting all the qualifying criteria any home-owner can apply for the mortgage loan modifications. Such lenders do have the online expert attorney for loan modification. The application process is very simple and easy. It will hardly take few minutes to make application and within few hours the approval will be sent. This is very essential for the home-owner if they get the mortgage loans modification. Under such options the repayment terms of the current mortgage loans will be modified in a way that the home-owner can afford to make regular repayment. However before applying for the mortgage loan modifications, it is very essential to know about the modification guidelines.

FHA loan modification guidelines

The FHA loan modification guidelines are given below:

 Gain as much knowledge and information as you can about the Loan modification program.
 Read all the conditions and repayment terms of the loan modification offered by various lenders.
 Get a financial hardship letter that can prove that you are unable to repay the existing mortgage loan.
 Have to commit and prove that you will be able to repay the modified loans regularly and on time.
 Furnish the Financial statement wherein your current financial condition can be traced easily.
 The mortgage home must be the principal home and you must be currently staying there in. The home must not be rented or bough for the investment purpose.
 Only truthful and genuine information must be given to the lenders.

Start Your Request to Qualify


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